The Oasis truck will be your new home giving you a comfortable, secure base with which to experience your trip. As part of the adventure you will be expected to have an active involvement in the day to day running of the trip, be part of the group and get stuck in and help with various tasks, whether it's cooking meals over open fires, pitching your tent or keeping the truck clean and tidy.
All Oasis Overland trucks are fitted with seatbelts. For your own safety and security we recommend that travellers wear these at all times whilst the vehicle is moving. Our overland trucks in Africa also have a ‘beach area’ which is a chill out zone to be used when the truck is not moving.
This tour has been designed to stay in a wide range of different accommodations to provide you with a good experience of exploring Africa in different ways.
Camping - Oasis uses roomy three-person tents that on our adult group trips we use for just two people to share. They are specially made for us to meet the tougher conditions of an overland trip and have mosquito netting sewn into the door and windows. You will be able to split your family between one, two or more tents depending on the size and make-up of your family. If we are full though, it will not be possible to have a tent to yourself. All our camping nights are spent in organised campsites, or camping grounds at lodges. Facilities and standards at campsites vary, some are well equipped and managed and some are very basic. At certain campsites there is the opportunity to upgrade to a private room at your own expense if you are missing your bed. This will be subject to availability when you arrive. Some
Lodges / Hostels - At some locations we will stay in lodges and hostels that are small, locally run establishments. The accommodation will vary depending on the rooming available, from dormitory style rooms, to twins/doubles or triple rooms. Upgrades may be available on arrival, but cannot be reliably pre-booked. Please refer to the individual trip inclusions for the percentage break up of your accommodation.
Upgrades - While we are staying at Ngepi Camp, we will be using our Oasis tents and camping. However, there are upgrade options available to book in advance there if you would like some more comfort and to stay in one of their riverside Treehouses or Bush Huts (away from the river). Please contact us to check availability and for booking.
During the day
As a guide, driving days normally start at about 8am and finish at about 5pm, with stops for lunch and buying food, seeing local sights etc. We won't be driving every day, although there are times when we will drive for two, but we will then stop for a few days and you will have free time to explore, meet local people, do some optional activities or just relax and do your own thing. Expect to sometimes get dusty & dishevelled during the day and although you will be able to shower most nights (except at bush camps), not all camps will have hot showers. There will be some earlier starts on long driving days.
Meals & cook groups
When 'on the road' or camping, we usually cook using gas or over open fires in a rota system and you can expect to cook in a group of three or four people probably only once or twice on the trip, depending on the number of people on trip and whereabouts you are. Your cook group will have to decide on what to cook, utilise stocks from the truck stores and locally obtain ingredients from markets, shops etc. and rustle up a meal. But don't worry if you're not a Gordon Ramsay as the rest of the group and the Tour leader usually lend a helping hand. Here is an idea of what to expect at meal times:
Breakfasts: Usually simple - we help ourselves to cereal, toast, hot drinks and on occasion we will splurge with a cooked breakfast.
Lunch: Cold and usually quick. The cook group will put out bread, tinned supplies and maybe make a salad.
Dinner: Cooks come into their own in the evening, and will always attempt to cook up some delights. When the truck is parked up for a few days in a town or city most people usually like the option to eat out at local restaurants - so we often don't cook all meals when at these locations. Several group meals at local restaurants are also included on this trip.
Vegetarians / Vegans / Coeliacs / Gluten & Lactose intolerance - Our Tour Leaders will always do their best to cater for any dietary requirement or intolerance whenever possible. However we do not cater for fussy eaters. It must be remembered that the variety of dishes available may not be the same as available to meat eaters. If there is anything in particular you require in your diet or because of an allergy or would miss from home, it would be best to bring these with you, as these cannot be purchased with the set budget due to the high cost of these specialised and often imported foods.
Remember that when eating out in local restaurants & hotels that vegetarianism or food allergies / intolerances, are still not widely known about or understood by many local people. i.e Vegetarians or Vegans will often be offered fish or chicken in error. Most large towns and cities, or areas used to tourists, will often have more choice but please be aware that it will probably not be as varied as you are used to when eating out at home.
In the evenings
When at a bushcamp or campsite where you and your tent buddy will put up the tent, and then lend a hand with getting out the tables, stools, firewood and water containers. The fire grates need to be taken out, the fire lit and someone can fill the kettle and make hot drinks while the cook group prepares the evening meal. Then just sit back & chill and enjoy the rest of your evening!
Oasis Crew
We usually have two crew whose duties are extensive and quite demanding, with challenges ranging from driving and maintaining the expedition vehicle to a high standard, to organising visas and border crossings, arranging accommodation, pre-booking some excursions and guides, helping with shopping and cooking as well as finding the best deals, socializing and making sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. While our crew are usually experienced and knowledgeable they are not tour guides as such. Our trips pass through many countries and our tour leaders cannot be expected to have detailed knowledge of each country's history, flora and fauna and archaeological sites. Even so - they will be more than willing to pass on any interesting and useful information that they have acquired whilst on the road. A rewarding way to gain a better insight into the wildlife, cultural and historical diversity of the countries we travel through is by reading guide books as well as talking to the local people and using local guides.
Adventure travel can be unpredictable and occasionally our crew may have to amend the itinerary to take into account changing local circumstances or because of a delay at a border or because of circumstances outside our control. This can all lead to additional work and commitment for our crew who will do all they can to minimize any disruption to the trip. While our crew are essentially on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week, it has to be remembered that no one is actually expected to work these hours, so at Oasis we are realistic that within a trip there will be times when our crew need 'down time' and a chance to relax and 'let their hair down' as well. They are only human!
Because Oasis Overland do not operate normal 'package holidays' the itineraries given cannot be guaranteed to run exactly as outlined. However, it is rare that we have to make major changes and in the event that we do this will be discussed with you either before or during the trip. It is important to bear in mind that should it not be possible to enter a certain country due to safety concerns, visa problems or political turmoil etc, and it becomes necessary to fly over a country in order to continue a trip, that all costs for flights will be borne by you and not Oasis. Should it not be possible for an Oasis trip to begin from a scheduled starting city due to border closures, civil unrest etc, Oasis will make all reasonable efforts to begin the trip from an alternative location. However, all additional costs that you may incur in travelling to the alternative location will be paid by you or your insurance company and not Oasis.